Outdoor spaces that have the wow factor!

Just across First Avenue from the United Nations is a rooftop ‘beach’. This is an example of the casual rooftops Just Terraces, my outdoor design company was known for.

Even simple balconies were converted into thematic imaginative spaces with authentic materials and thought through details.

One of my favorites! I tried to use water as often as possible. This project was a finalist in the NYC&G IDA awards.

Another favorite, because in this one ferns—seldom used on sunny harsh rooftops—actually thrived in the shady conditions.

Rooftops are certainly a wonderful place to watch the world go by. Every element in this is custom, and designed to survive NYC.

Hoisting a beautiful crab apple to its new home on a Broadway rooftop. This was typical of most projects and required a great deal of patience and steady nerves.